
Tuesday, February 10, 2015

"The Hedge of Sanity" by Jerry King Nwobodo

For too many reasons, the human species own the most complex brain in our natural universe. Man has over time evolved into an ominously self-contrived anomaly who conjured defects and self inflicted uneasiness on both himself, his offspring and his own environment.
Of such is the malignant state of psychotic disparity and inordinate concord between this specie to the effect: non-adherence to the said contrived code at concord which portends a state of mal-behaviour and unacceptable psychosis.
So far, man has inflicted himself with one injurious ill portrayed as insanity and social malignancy. This false state thus created by man himself, which is one injurious ill, portrayed as insanity and social malignancy. It has kept man in a hideous web commanding him to a divergent point confining his exhilarating psychosis to an oscillatory constant and restricting his intellectual capabilities.
Invariably, it is without doubt that the existence of a mortal man is caged around his psychology since his premonitions and self inflicted commands preferably referred to as instincts emanate from a single electro-magnetic console of the mental state.
Furthermore, it is worthy of note that the mental state has thus been placed inside an imaginary hedge, Though superlative, this hedge has over time been misinterpreted. This well done with terminologies that seeks to portray the anomaly from a righteous perspective. These conjectures, phrases and terminologies which inadequately cloaks this imbalance in a mirage of orthodox acceptable ills of society coupled with psychological vulgarity seem to conceive such innuendo as: ‘psychotic break down’, ‘nervous impairment’, ‘unendurably social tendencies,’ and ‘defacement of mind’, (and to cut the long chase) skipping to a more admirable and less malevolent placido-conventional state known and understood by society even conceived and felt without the stress of awareness. It has wrecked free thoughts and confined the psychotic state from volatility and mobility to an unacceptable morbid existence. Today the mental state has deteriorated to a heartfelt melting point with lesser possibly of likely reforms.
So today’s psychologists accept and breed falsies that seem to soothe today’s mediocrity, freelancing according to the dictates of an unraveled mental state which is unacceptable and antagonistic to mental growth. For which  I suggest natural checks and balances which seem confusionist to total freedom that the mind enjoy leaving itself at loss, impairment and total blurry view.
Inconsequential, average ness has thus gone way below the ebb of classic measures because the average growth of intellectually vile specie has over time faced catastrophic restriction.